Case Study

Enterprise Firm

Major SaaS firm, had large disputed debt from software client.

The Problem

Our client, an Enterprise SaaS firm, had never worked with an outside Collections Agency.

NCS was hired to intervene on a disputed $170k contractual balance due. The challenge was the debtor company had experienced employee attrition and wanted out of their contract mid-year and a credit for the software seats. As a result, the debtor offered to pay 10% of the balance due.

Negotiating Tactics

NCS brought the necessary leverage and specialized negotiating tactics.

Effective Enforcment

Resolutions effectively enforced clients terms and conditions governed by a valid contract.

On Schedule

Issue was resolved within 3-weeks and litigation was avoided.

The Solution

NCS worked with the Enterprise client to strategize a counter offer. Making it clear that they were serious about a reasonable settlement, and were willing to make mutually beneficial concessions to resolve the matter amicably. As a sign of good faith, the client issued credits on some of the invoices. As a result, the debtor agreed to pay a settlement of $92K. The funds were sent within 8 days, and from start-to-finish the process took 3 weeks, completely avoiding litigation.