Case Study

Enterprise IT Software Platform

Enterprise IT Software Platform with significantly overdue invoices from international customers.

The Problem

Our client, an Enterprise IT Software Platform, had past due invoices dating back over 2 years. The invoices to be recovered were from a Chinese travel hospitality company with Russian contacts. International debts can be a particular challenge as simply making a payment securely and quickly requires robust systems and processes.

International Collections

NCS possessed the necessary certifications and expertise to collect internationally.

Strong Processes

NCS uses a reliable process to communicate with customers, ensuring that miscommunication is no obstacle to resolution.

Ease of Payment

Thanks to NCS’s online payment system, it is simple for debtors to pay their debts.

The Solution

NCS made contact through a steady cadence of requests. The debtor responded quickly, requesting that the open invoices be emailed to them. Once the debt had been accounted for on the debtor’s end, they were able to pay in full on NCS’s credit card portal. From our initial demand for payment to payment in full, the process took less than 8 weeks.